Sparkle Card Monday
Welcome, I’m Simone, founder and tarot reader of Explore Grow Sparkle
Expore Grow Sparkle is a heart-centred, creative business that is all about exploring, growing and sparkling that amazing potential within you through the mystical (but actually very practical!) art of tarot reading and inspirational giftware.
My aim is to encourage and inspire you to explore possibilities, grow your potential and sparkle with all your heart, mind, body and soul.
I have been reading tarot for over ten years and I’m constantly amazed by the insight it can bring. My readings are intuitive, empowering and grounded; and are delivered with empathy and compassion in a comfy setting.
So, let me tell you more about tarot – I love tarot! To me, tarot is very simply another way of telling and reflecting our own life stories back to us. It is a wonderful tool that can be used to encourage, give hope and identify future options. I use tarot nearly every day for myself and reading the cards for others (for you!) is my passion.
​I believe that life is made up of a series of stories, and like stories our lives have meaning and purpose behind them. Our lives (and our stories within our lives) have set events and points in time that they will weave their way around, but the rest – how we get to these points and what we do with them – is up to us. Our choices matter – they are our power and they are our freedom, and this is where tarot can help you.
By nature, I am an explorer of people and stories. I have used the narrative form to help me make sense of the world ever since I can remember. At university I studied professional writing and editing, and I wrote for a number of years for various organisations before returning to my childhood home in Western Victoria in 2010.
In 2017, I decided to extend my creative "sparkle" and make quality beaded suncatchers to bring a little bit of magic and light into people's lives every single day. My creative/tarot reading room is now filled with crystal-inspired rainbows! And some evenings, in that mystical twilight just before the sun sets and my room is filled with shimmering colour, I'm almost sure the faeries have been to visit me.
Through story, tarot and just a little bit of magic, I believe we can gain understanding and insight into ourselves, our world, and our place in it.
Explore possibility, grow potential and sparkle with all your heart, mind and soul.
Simone x